佐藤総理大臣とニクソン大統領との共同声明 1969年11月21日
[文書名] 佐藤栄作総理大臣とリチャード・M・ニクソン大統領との間の共同声明
[場所] ワシントンDC
[年月日] 1969年11月21日
[出典] わが外交の近況(外交青書)第14号,399‐403頁.
[Title] Joint Statement of Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato and U.S. President Richard Nixon
[Place] Washington
[Date] November 21, 1969
[Source] Public Papers of the Presidents: Richard Nixon, 1969, pp. 953-957, A Documentary History of U.S.-Japanese Relations, 1945-1997, pp.789-793.
[Full text]
1 . President Nixon and Prime Minister Sato met in Washington on November 19, 20 and 21, 1969 to exchange views on the present inter-national situation and on other matters of mutual interest to the United States and Japan.
2. The President and the Prime Minister recognized that both the United States and Japan have greatly benefited from their close association in a variety of fields, and they declared that guided by their common principles of democracy and liberty, the two countries would maintain and strengthen their fruitful cooperation in the continuing search for world peace and prosperity and in particular for the relaxation of inter-national tensions. The President expressed his and his government's deep interest in Asia and stated his belief that the United States and Japan should cooperate in contributing to the peace and prosperity of the region. The Prime Minister stated that Japan would make further active contributions to the peace and prosperity of Asia.
3. The President and the Prime Minister exchanged frank views on the current international situation, with particular attention to developments in the Far East. The President, while emphasizing that the countries in the area were expected to make their own efforts for the stability of the area, gave assurance that the United States would continue to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security in the Far East by honoring its defense treaty obligations in the area. The Prime Minister, appreciating the determination of the United States, stressed that it was important for the peace and security of the Far East that the United States should be in a position to carry out fully its obligations referred to by the President. He further expressed his recognition that, in the light of the present situation, the presence of United States forces in the Far East constituted a mainstay for the stability of the area.
4. The President and the Prime Minister specifically noted the continuing tension over the Korean peninsula. The Prime Minister deeply appreciated the peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations in the area and stated that the security of the Republic of Korea was essential to Japan's own security. The President and the Prime Minister shared the hope that Communist China would adopt a more cooperative and constructive attitude in its external relations. The President referred to the treaty obligations of his country to the Republic of China which the United States would uphold. The Prime Minister said that the maintenance of peace and security in the Taiwan area was also a most important factor for the security of Japan. The President described the earnest efforts made by the United States for a peaceful and just settlement of the Viet-Nam problem. The President and the Prime Minister expressed the strong hope that the war in Viet-Nam would be concluded before the return of the administrative rights over Okinawa to Japan. In this connection, they agreed that, should peace in Viet-Nam not have been realized by the time reversion of Okinawa is scheduled to take place, the two governments would-fully consult with each other in the light of the situation at that time so that reversion would be accomplished without affecting the United States efforts to assure the South Vietnamese people the opportunity to determine their own political future without outside interference. The Prime Minister stated that Japan was exploring what role she could play in bringing about stability in the Indo-China area.
5. In light of the current situation and the prospects in the Far East, the President and the Prime Minister agreed that they highly valued the role played by the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security in maintaining the peace and security of the Far East including Japan, and they affirmed the intention of the two governments firmly to maintain the Treaty on the basis of mutual trust and common evaluation of the international situation. They further agreed that the two governments should maintain close contact with each other on matters affecting the peace and security of the Far East including Japan, and on the implementation of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.
6. The Prime Minister emphasized his view that the time had come to respond to the strong desire of the people of Japan, of both the mainland and Okinawa, to have the administrative rights over Okinawa returned to Japan on the basis of the friendly relations between the United States and Japan and thereby to restore Okinawa to its normal status. The President expressed appreciation of the Prime Minister's view. The President and the Prime Minister also recognized the vital role played by United States forces in Okinawa in the present situation in the Far East. As a result of their discussion, it was agreed that the mutual security interests of the United States and Japan could be accommodated within arrangements for the return of the administrative rights over Okinawa to Japan. They therefore agreed that the two governments would immediately enter into consultations regarding specific arrangements for accomplishing the early reversion of Okinawa without detriment to the security of the Far East including Japan. They further agreed to expedite the consultations with a view to accomplishing the reversion during 1972 subject to the conclusion of these specific arrangements with the necessary legislative support. In this connection, the Prime Minister made clear the intention of his government, following reversion, to assume gradually the responsibility for the immediate defense of Okinawa as part of Japan's defense efforts for her own territories. The President and the Prime Minister agreed also that the United States would retain under the terms of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security such military facilities and areas in Okinawa as required in the mutual security of both countries.
7. The President and the Prime Minister agreed that, upon return of the administrative rights, the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security and its related arrangements would apply to Okinawa without modification thereof. In this connection, the Prime Minister affirmed the recognition of his government that the security of Japan could not be adequately maintained without international peace and security in the Far East and, therefore, the security of countries in the Far East was a matter of serious concern for Japan. The Prime Minister was of the view that, in the light of such recognition on the part of the Japanese Government, the return of the administrative rights over Okinawa in the manner agreed above should not hinder the effective discharge of the international obligations assumed by the United States for the defense of countries in the Far East including Japan.
The President replied that he shared the Prime Minister's view.
8. The Prime Minister described in detail the particular sentiment of the Japanese people against nuclear weapons and the policy of the Japanese Government reflecting such sentiment. The President expressed his deep understanding and assured the Prime Minister that, without prejudice to the position of the United States Government with respect to the prior consultation system under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security, the reversion of Okinawa would be carried out in a manner consistent with the policy of the Japanese Government as described by the Prime Minister.
9. The President and the Prime Minister took note of the fact that there would be a number of financial and economic problems, including those concerning United States business interests in Okinawa, to be solved between the two countries in connection with the transfer of the administrative rights over Okinawa to Japan and agreed that detailed discussions relative to their solution would be initiated promptly.
10. The President and the Prime Minister, recognizing the complexity of the problems involved in the reversion of Okinawa, agreed that the two governments should consult closely and cooperate on the measures necessary to assure a smooth transfer of administrative rights to the Japanese Government in accordance with reversion arrangements to be agreed to by both governments. They agreed that the United States-Japan Consultative Committee in Tokyo should undertake overall responsibility for this preparatory work. The President and the Prime Minister decided to establish in Okinawa a Preparatory Commission in place of the existing Advisory Cornmittee to the High Commissioner of the Ryukyu Islands for the purpose of consulting and coordinating locally on measures relating to preparation for the transfer of administrative rights, including necessary assistance to the Government of the Ryukyu Islands. The Preparatory Commission will be composed of a represen-tative of the Japanese Government with ambassadorial rank and the High Commissioner of the Ryukyu Islands, with the Chief Executive of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands acting as adviser to the Cornmission. The Commission will report and make recommendations to the two governments through the United States-Japan Consultative Committee.
11. The President and the Prime Minister expressed their conviction that a mutually satisfactory solution of the question of the return of the administrative rights over Okinawa to Japan, which is the last of the major issues between the two countries arising from the Second World War, would further strengthen United States-Japan relations, which are based on friendship and mutual trust and would make a major contribution to the peace and security of the Far East.
12. In their discussion of economic matters, the President and the Prime Minister noted the marked growth in economic relations between the two countries. They also acknowledged that the leading positions which their countries occupy in the world economy impose important responsibilities on each for the maintenance and strengthening of the international trade and monetary system, especially in the light of the current large imbalances in trade and payments. In this regard, the President stressed his determination to bring inflation in the United States under control. He also reaffirmed the commitment of the United States to the principle of promoting freer trade. The Prime Minister indicated the intention of the Japanese Government to accelerate rapidly the reduction of Japan's trade and capital restrictions. Specifically, he stated the intention of the Japanese Government to remove Japan's residual import quota restrictions over a broad range of products by the end of 1971, and to make maximum efforts to accelerate the liberalization of the remaining items. He added that the Japanese Government intends to make periodic reviews of its liberalization program with a view to implementing trade liberalization at a more accelerated pace than hitherto. The President and the Prime Minister agreed that their respective actions would further solidify the foundation of overall United States-Japan relations.
13. The President and the Prime Minister agreed that attention to the economic needs of the developing countries was essential to the development of international peace and stability. The Prime Minister stated the intention of the Japanese Government to expand and improve its aid programs in Asia commensurate with the economic growth of Japan. The President welcomed this statement and confirmed that the United States would continue to contribute to the economic development of Asia. The President and the Prime Minister recognized that there would be major requirements for the post-war rehabilitation of Viet-Nam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. The Prime Minister stated the intention of the Japanese Government to make a substantial contribution to this end. 14. The Prime Minister congratulated the President on the successful moon landing of Apollo XII, and expressed the hope for a safe journey back to earth for the astronauts. The President and the Prime Minister agreed that the exploration of space offers great opportunities for expanding cooperation in peaceful scientific projects among all nations. In this connection, the Prime Minister noted with pleasure that the United States and Japan last summer had concluded an agreement on space cooperation. The President and the Prime Minister agreed that implementation of this unique program is of importance to both countries.
15. The President and the Prime Minister dis-cussed prospects for the promotion of arms control and the slowing down of the arms race. The President outlined his government's efforts to initiate the strategic arms limitations talks with the Soviet Union that have recently started in Helsinki. The Prime Minister expressed his government's strong hope for the success of these talks. The Prime Minister pointed out his country's strong and traditional interest in effective disarmament measures with a view to achieving general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control.
「論」も愉しとは、故筑紫哲也氏の言葉である。 近ごろ「論」が浅くなっていると思いませんか。 その良し悪し、是非、正しいか違っているかを問う前に。 そうやってひとつの「論」の専制が起きる時、 失なわれるのは自由の気風。 そうならないために、もっと「論」を愉しみませんか。 ・・・・「論」を愉しむためには、いろいろな事を知っていた方が良いと自分は考える。沢山引き出しを持っていた方が、人生を愉しめるような気がする。
【メモ】 暴力団と極道者
1-1;136-参-地方行政委員会暴力団員…-2号 平成08年06月06日 http://kokkai.ndl.go.jp/
○有働正治君 警察の方にお尋ねします。
○説明員(植松信一君) お尋ねの件につきましては、【日本青年社最高顧問西口茂男と住吉会会長の西口茂男については同一人物】と見ております。
96-衆-法務委員会-30号 昭和57年08月19日
○林(百)委員 それから、三月十五日に、【日本青年社】と称する暴力団が五名ほど共産党の本部の勤務員に襲いかかってきて、鉄棒をふるって五名の負傷者まで出している。この【日本青年社】というのは、私の方で調べた範囲では、暴力団の【住吉連合会】系の小林会という会の会長である【小林楠男】という男が、これが小林会の会長でもあり、日本青年社の会長でもある。ここの社員の中村衛というのが仲間四、五人を連れて共産党の本部へ襲いかかってきている。これはテレビでもちゃんと撮って、証拠も残っているわけですけれども、この日本青年社というのは、暴力団住吉連合会系の小林会の会長の小林楠男というのは同時に日本青年社の会長もしており、暴力団の結社であるということは警察庁では認められておるのですか。それで取り調べをしていますか。
1-2;150-衆-内閣委員会-2号 平成12年10月26日
1-3;第2号 平成12年11月1日(水曜日)
○不破哲三君 右翼団体の幹部に政治家としての致命的な弱点を[中川秀直は〕握られたということを言っているわけです。
2-1;『フラッシュ』 2004年8月17・24日合併号
http://www.rondan.co.jp/html/news/0009/000927.html (平成12年9月27日)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ * * * ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
中川先生におかれましては、益々御健勝の事と拝察し、お喜び申上げます。私くし事で誠に恐縮とは思いますが一筆啓上させて頂きます。私は、貴殿とは広島県の呉市で何度か食事をし、選挙も票の売収までして協力したことは、承知している事と思います。 しかし、そういう私に対して、一度ならず二度までも侮辱されたのでは見過ごす訳にはいきません。 よって、平成八年十月十八日までに以下の件について回答願います。
(1) 中川秀直先生と、「M・T」こと「O・N」(昭・四四・七・二八生)が月々一五〇万円の手当てで、赤坂パークビルヂング二四一二号室で関係していた事。
(2) (1)件で私がマスコミを行かせたという事。
(3) 北朝鮮に、日本政府の要人として出発する当日の朝まで彼女を追い掛け回し、彼女の携帯電話に何度も電話をし、又朝六時~七時まで彼女と会っていて、当日朝七時の全日空ホテルの集合に遅れた事。
(4) 彼女が覚醒剤中毒であるのを知っていながらなんの処置もせず、あまつさえ貴殿も一緒に覚醒剤をうち、赤坂パークビルヂングの物置部屋に覚醒剤を隠し持っていた事。
(5) 赤坂パークビルヂング二四一二号室のベットの横にあった膨大なファイルは、立場を利用した恐喝の資料である事。
(6) 彼女がアークタワーズ一四〇八号を借りるにあたって、私を保証人にさせ、その部屋に出入りしていた事。
以上の件について事実かどうか返答ねがいます。 なき場合は事実として受け取りますので、ご了承下さい。
千代田区霞が関二 - 二 - 一 早々
4-2; 中川官房長官、「右翼〔日本青年社〕と会食」写真誌に 国会で面識否定--野党は辞任要求へ
中川秀直官房長官の女性スキャンダルに関連し、同長官が右翼団体〔日本青年社〕幹部〔滑川裕二〕とされる人物と会食している写真が、18日発売の写真週刊誌「フォーカス」に掲載されることが17日、分かった。中川長官は国会で、この幹部〔滑川裕二〕との関係について「面識はない」と否定している。野党側は国会答弁がウソだった可能性があることを重視しており、中川長官の辞任を要求する方針だ。 掲載されるのは、右翼団体〔日本青年社〕幹部という人物〔滑川裕二〕とテーブルを挟んで向かい合って座っている写真で、撮影時期は不明という。〔略〕
4-3;第150回国会 内閣委員会 第2号
○長妻委員 〔略〕あなた〔中川秀直〕とその愛人だったと言われている女性との電話での会話、これが テープにあります。読ませてもらいますと、あなたが「ともかく、なにか、覚醒剤で警察も動いているよ、多少」、女性が「私、でも、やってないです。だから来ても、全然関係ないです、私」、そして中川さん、あなたが「警視庁の保安課が動いているから。覚醒剤が確かにあるよ。本当に……」、女性が「エッ、どう言うことですか」、中川さんが「いや、君の関係を内偵しとるちゅうんだよ」、女性が「そうですか。エッ、それはどこの情報ですか?」、あなたが「それは警察情報だよ」、女性が「それは先生が調べた情報ですか」、中川さん、あなたが「そう、私の方の情報だ」、女性が「私、でも絶対そういうことないですから」、こういうような話が、あなた、されているわけですよ。
森首相の拉致問題発言 中川秀直・官房長官の会見
[毎日新聞〔2000年〕10月24日] http://www.mainichi.co.jp/eye/feature/article/nakagawa/200010/24-1.html
102-衆-予算委員会第二分科会-2号 昭和60年03月08日
8;「暴対法によって暴力団が力を失った」という俗説があるが、暴対法以後、三大暴力団(山口組、 稲川会、住吉会)はむしろ他の暴力団を併合し、勢力を伸ばしている。
the Church of Peace and Morals を引継ぎ、親分を司祭に据えた。
8-2;暴力団員が8年連続増加 3団体で7割超す
投稿 (Atom)