
【新聞記事】 NYT(都議選)

Facing Party Rift, Japan’s Premier Calls Election
Published: July 13, 2009

TOKYO — Prime Minister Taro Aso faced the possibility of a revolt in his own party on

Monday, after a bruising defeat in a local vote forced him to call for a general election in

which his Liberal Democratic Party faces almost certain defeat.


るといわれる。月曜日、 麻生太郎首相は、自派(自民党)における、反乱の可能性に直面していました。

Mr. Aso had been trying to put off the national elections, now set for Aug. 30, in part

because polls had shown that his party could lose its almost unbroken 54-year grip on

power. Mr. Aso’s hand appeared to have been forced, though, by a poor showing on Sunday

in a municipal election in Tokyo.




With both Mr. Aso and the conservative Liberal Democrats sinking in opinion polls, political

experts say that the prime minister may face the wrath of his own party members, who fear

their organization could break apart if it finds itself in the unusual position of losing power.


A poll conducted last week for Asahi Shimbun, one of Japan’s largest newspapers, showed

that 37 percent of those surveyed said they would vote for the opposition Democrats in

national elections, compared with 22 percent for the Liberal Democrats. A poll last week by

another newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun, found Mr. Aso’s approval rating had fallen to 20



In recent weeks, a growing chorus of lawmakers has called for Mr. Aso to step down so the

party could enter the elections with a new, and they hope more popular, leader. Experts

expect that chorus to swell in the coming weeks. “We can’t just engage in group suicide,”

Hidenao Nakagawa, a former party secretary general, told a party meeting two weeks ago.


The Liberal Democrats have governed Japan for most of its postwar history, but recently

the party has appeared unable to adapt to a changing era. Disgruntled voters increasingly

blame them for failing to outgrow traditional pork-barrel politics and find an end to the

nation’s seemingly intractable political paralysis and economic decline.



“The Tokyo assembly vote pushed Prime Minister Aso into a position where he either had

to dissolve the Parliament or resign,” said Ichita Yamamoto, a Liberal Democratic

lawmaker. “The feeling inside the party is that he couldn’t put off the decision any longer.”

Emboldened by Sunday’s vote, the Democratic Party and its allies, which won control of

Parliament’s upper house two years ago, submitted a no-confidence motion against Mr. Aso

and his cabinet on Monday. Opinion polls show that the Democrats now have a

commanding lead in public support, though they have their own problems, including a lack

of clarity on policy and a finance scandal involving the party’s leader, a Stanford-trained

engineer, Yukio Hatoyama.




On Monday, Mr. Aso tried to play down any connection between the vote on Sunday and his

party’s national political fortunes, although he apologized for the poor showing. The

setback was the latest in a string of regional electoral defeats this year for the once-

dominant Liberal Democrats.

Many political analysts said they were baffled by Mr. Aso’s decision to thrust the party into

an election, which by law had to be held by Sept. 10. On Monday, the prime minister said it

was time for voters to make a choice.

“It’s time to seek the public’s mandate,” he said. “The issue here is which party can really

protect the people’s lives and the country.”


Some analysts said the decision showed that the Liberal Democrats seem resigned to

defeat — and that they were willing to wait on the sidelines for the inexperienced

Democrats to fail, giving them a chance to return to power. Others likened the decision to a

political “banzai charge.”


“This is a sign that even Liberal Democratic lawmakers themselves are giving up on the old

style of L.D.P. politics,” said Harumi Arima, an independent political commentator.

“Sacrificing themselves is the only way for Japan to break out of its political logjam.”


Mr. Aso and others have thus far fended off calls for his removal, saying the party cannot

afford to alienate voters with another change of leadership. When he took office last

September, Mr. Aso was the fourth prime minister in two years, a rapid turnover that

reinforced the popular perception that the Liberal Democrats had lost their way.


The question of when he would call the election has loomed over Mr. Aso’s government

since he became prime minister. He said he wanted to wait to give economic stimulus

measures time to take effect, and possibly revive his party’s flagging popularity.

Mark McDonald contributed reporting from Hong Kong.
What happened in Japan is an ample proof that they value democracy more than any

country on earth. They are very sensible, intelligent and sharp minded people. If George W.

Bush (Dubya) was in power in the United States, he would not have responded the way

Prime Minister of Japan Taro Aso did, he might have taken the matter to the supreme court.
But the world is waiting for a dramatic change in the leadership of Japan, which can bring

their country to economic prosperity and rebound of their sagging stock market.

何が日本で起こったかは、彼らが地球のどんな国よりも民主主義を評価するという十分な証拠です。 彼らは非常に

分別があって、知的で鋭い気にされた人々です。 ジョージ W. ブッシュ(ブッシュ)が合衆国で政権を握るなら、彼は麻



At last Japan is on the verge of having a change of administration. This is good news for

the US and for the Japanese, who seem to be mostly tired of the conservative (and

strangely named) Liberal Democratic Party, the Japanese version of the GOP. Right after

WWII the US occupation used its leverage to help see that a budding democratic system

with healthy changes of administration would not take place in postwar Japan, since they

feared Japan's then-powerful Socialist and other left-wing parties and even allowed

influential war criminals to be rehabilitated in order to strengthen conservative, pro-US

rule. That initial intervention by the US was one important reason Japanese conservatives

were able to maintain control for more than half a century. Imagine what more than 50

straight years of Republican dominance would be like in the US....

I feel very happy for the Japanese people, the majority of whom give very low marks to PM

Aso and the conservatives. If a coalition led by the more liberal Japan Democratic Party

succeeds in gaining control of both houses of the National Diet, this would be a major,

historic change, despite the fact that the Japan Democratic Party has many contradictions

of its own. It would mean the final end of the postwar period in Japan and the beginning of

a new era of responsibility and reconciliation with the rest of East Asia. And it would

probably mean improved communication between the new Japanese government and the

US Democratic administration, though the Japan Democratic Party may well be more

critical than the conservatives have been with regard to many aspects of US foreign policy.

If a ruling-party change occurs in Japan, the US should actively engage with the new

Japanese leaders.

ついに、政権交代を持っていることの間際に日本はあります。 これは米国と日本人への朗報です。(その日本人は、保

守的で(奇妙に命名されています)の自由民主党(共和党の日本語版)がほとんど疲れているように思えます)。 WWII



守的で、親米国の規則を強化するために有力な戦争犯罪人が復権されるのを許容さえしたので。 米国によるその


。 米国で連続の50年間以上の共和党の支配が何に似ているかを想像してください…


に与えます。 より寛容な日本民主党によって導かれた連合が、国会の両院のコントロールを獲得するのに成功するな



う。 そして、たぶん新しい日本の政府と米国の民主党の運営との改良されたコミュニケーションを意味するでしょう、日

本民主党はたぶん米国外交政策の多くの局面に関して保守的な人がいたより批判的でしょうが。 与党変化が日本


They are an honorable people and are open to accountability. Bush and Cheney should be

ashamed of themselves, compared to the leaders of Japan.
それらは、立派な民族であり、責任に開かれています。 日本のリーダーと比べて、ブッシュとチェイニーは自分たちが恥


Thanks for letting us know who is who in Japan. One of the frustrating things reading about

Japan even in a paper like the Times was the fact that no one said which was the left wing

or right wing party. Their names give you no clue. For an avowed lefty like me, such details

matter. Now I know I will be rooting for the Japanese opposition. Right wingers no matter

where there are in this world are bad, bad,bad!!!!!!
だれがいるかを私たちに知らせてくださってありがとうございます、だれ、日本で。 タイムズのような論文さえの日本に関し

て読むいらだたしいことの1つは、だれも、どれが左翼かそれとも右翼政党であるかを言わなかったという事実でした。 そ

れらの名前は手がかりを全くあなたに与えません。 私のような公然の左腕投手に関しては、そのような詳細は重要で

す。 今、私は、日本の反対を応援するのを知っています。 どこにいても、右翼は、この世で悪く、悪く、悪いです!

o comment #1, Haider Ali: no, you don't value democracy more than any country on earth if

you have been ruled by the same party for fifty years. instead, it shows the japanese value

political conformity to the point of enfeeblement. their economy has been lukewarm for 20

years, and only now do they begin to consider a change in leadership. that's not a strength

on the part of the japanese, that's a weakness. they should have gotten rid of the liberal

democrats a long time ago. without political change, there is no change in direction of your

o #1、ハイダー・アリは論評します: いいえ、50年間の同じパーティーに統治されたなら、あなたは地球のどんな国ほど





Ever since the popular PM Koizumi left the scene two years ago, the Liberal Democratic

Party has gone straight downhill. Contrary to the belief of a couple of commentators above,

the Democratic Party of Japan is not necessarily any more "liberal" than the generally

conservative LDP. The leaders of the DPJ are smoke-filled, backroom old boy politicians

who are most concerned with political power. Just like the LDP. Even if the DPJ wins big

and the LDP loses big at the August 30 elections, don't expect major policy changes in

人気があるPM小泉が2年前に任期を終えて以来、自由民主党は下の方へまっすぐ行っています。 2、3の解説者の

信念とは逆に、上では、民主党が必ずもう一般に保守的な自民党より「寛容であるというわけではありません」。 DPJ

のリーダーは、政権に最も関する煙で満たされて、舞台裏の卒業生政治家です。 まさしく自民党のように。 DPJが派


Thanks for letting us know who is who in Japan. One of the frustrating things reading about

Japan even in a paper like the Times was the fact that no one said which was the left wing

or right wing party. Their names give you no clue. For an avowed lefty like me, such details

matter. Now I know I will be rooting for the Japanese opposition. Right wingers no matter

where there are in this world are bad, bad,bad!!!!!!

LDP is not exactly the kind of right wing party comparable to Republicans. There is no such

unique Republican issues like abortion, gay marriage or religion that dominates political

platform in Japan, or in any other semi-advanced country. LDP is a bunch of old guys and

their born-with-silver-spoon kids who are willing to do anything to protect their interests.

The astronomical level of governmental debt was accumulated by LDP governments

throwing money at their rural constituencies and their construction company backers.

They are corrupt and their party (indeed the whole Japanese political system) is

incestuous in nature. But they did pull off a major feat: economic development. LDP does

deserve credit for rebuilding Japan into such a economic powerhouse in less than 50

years. That being said, they clearly have run out of ideas since the bubble economy burst.

Basically, they don't know where to lead Japan. Japan can't follow the US like a lapdog,

Japan can't send troops oversea to do America's bidding cuz it's only gonna further isolate

Japan in east Asia, much of where suffered under Japanese aggression during WWII. Japan

is squeezed by China, Taiwan and Korea on the one hand and heavy reliance on the US not

only in term of military protection but also export market. With a rapidly aging population,

highest debt load in the developed world, stubbornly anti-immigration public and huge

historical&political baggage, Japan can't integrate with the rest of east Asia, can't

continue to rely on American over-consumption, can't rely on domestic demand because of

the aging population and can't realistically regain "normal status" because of American

military control (de facto military occupation) and deep Asian suspicion. On micro level,

Japan has become much poorer over the past 20 years with respect to standard of living.

Basically there is no vision forward and the LDP doesn't know what to do other than

resorting to short term measures to wobble through. Indeed, Japan desperately needs

some fresh ideas and perspectives. On that front, LDP is comparable to the Republican

party, Republicans have only one solution to all the problems: tax cut, that's why they have

so much time talking about trivial issues like abortion. LDP has only two solutions to all the

problems: public spending and export. That's why they all avoid talking about the

intractable demographic crisis, yet wasting their time on going to the shrine to make ultra

-nationalists happen.

だれがいるかを私たちに知らせてくださってありがとうございます、だれ、日本で。 タイムズのような論文さえの日本に関し

て読むいらだたしいことの1つは、だれも、どれが左翼かそれとも右翼政党であるかを言わなかったという事実でした。 そ

れらの名前は手がかりを全くあなたに与えません。 私のような公然の左腕投手に関しては、そのような詳細は重要で

す。 今、私は、日本の反対を応援するのを知っています。 どこにいても、右翼は、この世で悪く、悪く、悪いです!

自民党はまさに共和党員に匹敵する右翼政党の種類ではありません。 日本、またはいかなる他の中進国でも政綱

を支配する、妊娠中絶、同性愛者間結婚または宗教のようなどんなユニークな共和党の問題もありません。 自民党


供です。 天文学のレベルの政府の負債は、彼らの地方の選挙区と彼らの建設会社の後援者にお金を投げる自民

党政府によって蓄積されました。 それらは不正です、そして、彼らのパーティー(本当に全体の日本の政治システム)は

現実に近親相姦です。 しかし、彼らは主要な功績を見事にやってのけました: 経済発展。 自民党は50年未満後に

そのような経済大国に日本を再建するためのクレジットに値します。 それが言われていて、バブル崩壊以来彼らは明

確に考えを使い果たしています。 基本的に、彼らはどこで日本を率いるかがわかりません。 日本は愛玩犬のように米


離するだけでしょうから、日本は、アメリカのものの言う通りにするためには海外の軍を送ることができません。 一方では


米国への重い信用は売り出されます。 急速に高齢化する人口、開発された世界的で、頑固に反移住公共の、そし



上の軍事占領)と深いアジアの容疑のため現実的に「正常な状態」を取り戻すことができません。 マイクロレベルでは、

日本は過去20年間生活水準に関してはるかに貧しくなっています。 基本的に、ビジョンが全く前方にありません、そし

て、自民党はぐらつく短期間測定に頼る以外に、何をしたらよいかがわかりません。 本当に、日本は絶望的にいくつか

の斬新なアイディアと見解を必要とします。 その前部では、自民党が共和党のパーティーに匹敵しています、共和党

員には、すべての問題の1つの解決しかありません: 減税、それは、彼らが妊娠中絶のような些細な問題に関して話し

ながらとても多くの時間を持っている理由です。 自民党には、すべての問題の2つの解決しかありません: 公共の支出

と輸出。 それは彼らが皆、手に負えない人口の危機に関して話すのを避ける理由です、国粋主義者が起こるように


The LDP is the more conservative party in Japan, but nothing close to the American GOP.

The party hoping to gain power is the DPJ (Democratic Party of Japan). The DPJ is a group

made up of many once smaller parties and former LDP members.

When the opposition has taken power in the past, the government quickly imploded on

itself and the LDP promptly returned to power. Most here believe this will happen this time,


しかし、自民党は日本の、より保守的なパーティー、アメリカの共和党の近くの何でもありません。 パワーを獲得するこ

とを望んでいるパーティーは、DPJ(民主党)です。 DPJは、多くのかつてより小さいパーティーと元自民党のメンバーで



きました。 ここで、これは最も信じています。また、今回、起こるでしょう。

1) I am wondering if Mr. Fackler can mention which analysis thinks that Aso calling for an

election on Aug. 30th is a surprise, since by law he has to dissolve the cabinet by Sept

10th? The only question that has mattered in Japanese politics since Aso was selected as

Prime Minister is when will he call for an election. It is not surprising at all. Maybe the tone

or style of the announcement is surprising, just because of the LDP's loss in local elections.

And, I would be wary of calling the DPJ and LDP left or right. There are people in both

parties that would conform to a US left or right philosophy on various issues.

With North Korea looking more and more erratic and China's continuing rise to power, this

election is one to watch. Hopefully the Times will bring better coverage to the election in

the coming weeks.

1) 私は、ファクラーさんがどれに言及できるかなら分析が、8月30日に選挙を求める阿蘇が、驚きであると思うと思っ

ています、彼が9月10日までに法でキャビネットを解散させなければならないので? 唯一の阿蘇が首相として選定され

て以来日本の政治で重要である質問は意志であるときに、彼が選挙を求めるということです。 それは全く驚くべきもの

ではありません。 たぶん、発表のトーンかスタイルがまさしく地方選挙における自民党の損失のため驚くべきものです。

そして、私は、あとDPJと自民党に電話をするのに用心深いか、または正しいでしょう。 様々な問題で左か正しい米


北朝鮮がますます不安定に見えていて、中国のものが動かす上昇を続けていて、この選挙は見る1つです。 うまくいけ


Interestingly enough, Japan has a rather deeply rooted democratic tradition. The story of

the rise and fall of Japanese democracy from the beginning of the Meiji era in the 1860s to

the early 1930s is one worthy of learning.

It is a far more consensus-based society than ours, but it is democratic, but with a different

tone. The LDP is a very broad coalition, and is far broader than our Democratic or

Republican parties are. The ascendance of the nationalist faction within the LDP has

probably served to undermine the national consensus underlying the LDP government;

combined with the economic times, this could result in a popular vote of no confidence in

the government. Though the DPJ's rule will probably be short, and the LDP will return, it will

return with a different platform, one more harmonious with the Japanese society's


It must be noted that the Liberal Democratic Party has numerous factions, five at the

present time. These factions have names and leaders, and a semi-official existence.

The LDP is the peculiar institution of the Japanese democracy; perhaps a reactive one: the

failure of Japanese democracy in the 1930s was a failure to achieve a national consensus

that allowed extremists to take over; the broader the governing coalition is the broader the

base of stability is that the total society stands upon.

Thus, it is probably safe to say that if the LDP is voted from office, Japan is having a very

hard time right now.

日本には、十分おもしろく、かなり深く根づいている民主的な伝統があります。 早さへの1860年代に1930年代が1



す。 自民党は、非常に広い連合であり、私たちの民主党の、または、共和党のパーティーよりはるかに広いです。 自


に役立ちました。 経済時勢に結合されて、これは政府で信用がない一般投票をもたらすかもしれません。 DPJの規



自由民主党が現在に多数の派閥、5を持っていることに注意しなければなりません。 これらの派閥には、名前、リーダ


自民党は日本の民主主義の独特の団体です。 おそらく反応もの: 日本の民主主義の1930年代の失敗は過激派

が引き継ぐことができた国民的合意を達成しないことでした。 与党連合が広ければ広いほど、安定性のベースは、よ




Yes, it's true that Japan has a long tradition of democracy going back at least to the 20s.

That is the tradition that is trying to make a comeback on a national level after decades of

militarism and the Cold war. There have been many local progressive administrationas in

recent years in Japan. And it's true that the JDP, which may beat the conservatives in the

national Diet (Parliament) at last, is a motley crew that needs governing experience to get

its act together, but that doesn't mean it won't be an improvement on the conservatives.

For example, it would probably refuse to use Japanese "Self Defense Forces" ships to

refuel US ships supporting the war in Afghanistan. It already tried to do that in the single

house of the Diet it now controls. The JDP would also strengthen Japan's welfare system

and put a stop to the conservatives' efforts to degrade Japan's current single-payer health

coverage system, which was established after the war, when there was an existential fear

by the government that without it Japanese workers would support socialism or

communism. Under intense public pressure, they also forced their corrupt former party

leader Ozawa to resign his post. The changes brought about by the JDP wouldn't be

radical, but incremental change is nothing to laugh at.

はい、日本には少なくとも20年代に戻る民主主義の長い伝統があるのが、本当です。 それは、何10年間もの軍国

主義とCold戦争の後に全国レベルで復活をしようとしている伝統です。 多くのローカルの進歩的な

administrationasが近年日本にありました。 そして、JDP(ついに国家の国会(議会)で保守的な人を負かすかも


一団であることは、本当です。 例えば、それは、たぶんアフガニスタンの戦争を支持する米国船に給油するのに日本の

「自衛隊」船を使用するのを拒否するでしょう。 それはそれが現在制御する国会の単一の家で既にそれをしようとしま

した。 JDPはまた、日本の福祉システムを強化して、日本の現在の独身の支払い者健康保険システムを下げるため


支持するだろうという実存的恐怖があったとき。システムは戦後に確立されました。 激しい公共の圧力の下では、それ

らによって、また、彼らの不正な元党首小沢はやむを得ず辞職しました。 JDPによって引き起こされた変化は、急激で

I'm surprised that some people think the conservative LDP is rather different from the GOP.

The LDP has consciously patterned itself on the Republicans, with some local differences.

For example, abortion is widely accepted in Japanese society, so the conservatives don't

oppose it, because they would lose votes. In Japan the national bureaucracy is, as in

Europe, a major part of any government, and, while hardly progressive, the centrist

bureaucracy is generally a bit to the left of the conservatives, and this has a major impact

on Japanese domestic policies that may give the illusion that the conservatives differ from

the Republicans. One of the most famous LDP postwar Prime Ministers, PM Kishi, was a

rehabilitated Class A War Crimes prisoner, and his grandson, PM Abe, who became PM 3

years ago, praised his grandfather highly in public -- and this became one reason the

conservatives lost the next election. Before Abe, PM Koizumi was also an unabashed

ultranationalist who constantly angered China and South Korea and sought to radically

deregulate the Japanese economy. And current PM Aso has also made some rather

ultranationalistic statements from time to time. It was even revealed in National Diet

testimony that his family used prisoners of war as slave labor in their mines during WWII,

and this is one of the reasons for his lack of popularity.